About Sapporo
population: 1,969,215 [June,1 2024]
Sapporo, located in the west-central part of Hokkaido, is Japan’s fifth-largest city and a major tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors year-round. As the capital of Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost prefecture, it serves as a hub for politics, culture, and economy.
Established in 1871 by the Hokkaido Development Commission, known as ‘Kaitakushi,’ Sapporo was designed to explore and develop the island’s untapped land. Unlike other Japanese cities, its streets are laid out in a grid pattern similar to New York City, with streets named and numbered consecutively. This modern city has attracted residents from various prefectures, contributing to its unique culture.
Sapporo serves as the main gateway to Hokkaido, making it an ideal starting point for exploring the island’s beauty. With two airports—New Chitose in Chitose City and Okadama—Sapporo is well-connected to Honshu and other major cities in Hokkaido, including Hakodate, Asahikawa, and Kushiro, via JR trains, airplanes, and intercity express buses.
Sapporo is the snowiest city in the world with a population over one million, receiving an average snowfall of over 300 cm. The coldest period is from late January to mid-February, coinciding with the famous Sapporo Snow Festival, which has been held annually since 1950.

Sunrise and Sunset
Here is a graph showing sunrise and sunset times in Sapporo. Use this as a reference when taking photos of sunrises or sunsets. Don’t miss the perfect shot!
In Honshu, cherry blossoms (Sakura) bloom from mid to late March, but in Sapporo, they appear in early May, signaling the arrival of spring. Spring here spans from April to June, about a month later than in Honshu. Due to the brief season, flowers like Sakura and plum (Ume) bloom simultaneously, as if waiting for this moment.
Due to the recent global temperature rise, cherry blossoms in Japan have been blooming about two weeks earlier, and in Sapporo, they now bloom around April 20.
Summer in Sapporo is also short, primarily in July and August. By the end of August, especially in the mountains, autumn begins.
In summer, similar to the earlier blooming of cherry blossoms, temperatures often exceed 25 degrees Celsius by mid-June, marking the start of summer. Traditionally, summer in Sapporo was said to begin after the Hokkaido Shrine Festival in mid-June, signaling its onset. However, now it feels like summer arrives in full force. Nevertheless, Hokkaido does not experience the rainy season.
September and October bring autumn, with the first snowfall typically occurring at the end of October, marking the start of winter. Beautiful autumn foliage can be seen throughout the region, including Jozankei and Hoheikyo. Hokkaido University’s famous ginkgo tree avenue is a popular spot for enjoying the autumn colors.
In Hokkaido, the autumn leaves pass quickly compared to Honshu, with the peak lasting about two weeks. If snow falls earlier than expected, it can cover the leaves and cause them to drop suddenly. If you’re visiting during this time, make sure not to miss the best viewing period.
Winter in Sapporo lasts from November through March, dominating half of the year. This extended winter period offers ample opportunities for various winter sports and activities.
Sapporo is reportedly the only city in the world with over a million residents located in a heavy snowfall zone. Even in European cities known for snow, none receive as much snow as Sapporo. Therefore, if you come to Sapporo, it’s a must to enjoy winter events and sports! There are ski resorts just 30 minutes from downtown Sapporo where you can enjoy skiing without bringing your own gear.
Popular Sights
- Hokkaido Jingu, Hokkaido Shrine(北海道神宮)
- Clock Tower(時計台)
- Former Hokkaido Government Office(赤レンガ・旧北海道庁), Akarenga/Red Brick
- Hokkaido University(北海道大学)
- Odori Koen/Park(大通公園)
- Hoheikyo Dam(豊平峡ダム)
- Jozankei Hot Spa(定山渓温泉)
- Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill(羊ヶ丘展望台)
- Sapporo Dome(札幌ドーム)
- Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium(大倉山ジャンプ競技場)
- JR Tower(JRタワー)
- Sapporo Beer Museum(サッポロビール博物館)
- Sapporo Factory(サッポロ・ファクトリー)
- Nijo Fish Market(二条市場)
- Tanukikoji Shopping Mall(狸小路商店街)
- Mitsui Outlet Park(三井アウトレットモール)
- Historical Village of Hokkaido(北海道歴史村)
- Bankei Ski area(ばんけいスキー場)
- Teine Ski area(テイネスキー場)
- Onzu Ski Area(スノークルーズオーンズ)
Historical Place
- History of Japanese Beer, Sapporo Beer Garden / Sapporo Beer Museum
- Legend of Sapporo, Military housing of Kotoni Tondenhei Village (琴似屯田兵村兵屋跡)
- One of the three major disappoint place in Japan, Clock Tower(時計台)?
- Why Does ‘Hasso-an’ Stand here?; One of the tea-ceremony house by Kobori Enshu
- Historical Village of Hokkaido
- Former Hokkaido Government Office(赤レンガ・旧北海道庁)
- Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art(北海道立近代美術館)
- Moere-numa Park (モエレ沼公園)
- Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art, Sapporo (北海道立三岸好太郎美術館)
- Sapporo Art Park(札幌芸術の森美術館)
- Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture(本郷新記念 札幌彫刻美術館)
- Sapporo Winter Sports Museum
- Botanic Garden, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University(北海道大学付属植物園)
- History of Japanese Beer, Sapporo Beer Garden / Sapporo Beer Museum
- History of Hokkaido, Ainu Culture Promotion Center (Sapporo Pirka Kotan)
- The Best Manga artist, Hiroshi Oba at Sapporo Archives Museum (札幌市資料館)
- Saturday Night Zoo in Maruyama Zoo, Sapporo
- How Was The Japan’s First Beer Made?: Exploring Sapporo Beer Museum
- Former Hokkaido Government Office(赤レンガ・旧北海道庁)
- Sapporo Science Center(札幌市青少年科学館)
- MEGMILK Snow Brand Museum(雪印メグミルク 酪農と乳の歴史館)
- The Palace of Hot Spa, Jozankei Gensen Koen Park(定山渓源泉公園), Sapporo
- Wild and Luxury Hot Spa: How to Enjoy Onsen Around Lake Shikotsuko
- Koganeyu Onsen
- Matsunoyu
- Sky Resort Spa at JR Tower Hotel Nikko
- Kuranoyu at Naebo Station
- Chateraise Gateaux Kingdom Sapporo
- Moere-numa Park (モエレ沼公園)
- Maruyama Koen Park (円山公園)
- Odori Koen Park
- Takino Suzuran Hillside National Government Park, Sapporo(国営滝野すずらん丘陵公園)
- Urban Oasis: Nakajima Koen Park, Sapporo (中島公園)
- The Lavender Garden at Horomitoge in Sapporo [Horomi pass] (幌見峠のラベンダー園)
- Autumn leaves: Hoheikyo Dam (豊平峡ダム), Jozankei in Sapporo
- Another Sapporo Night View: Asahiyama Memorial Park(旭山記念公園)
- The Palace of Hot Spa, Jozankei Gensen Koen Park(定山渓源泉公園), Sapporo
- Urban Winery Tour, Mt.Hakkenzan Area (八剣山), Sapporo
- A Vast Expanse of Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill(羊ヶ丘展望台), Sapporo
- For Family With Little Children: Gotenzan Koen Park
- 20minutes: The Best Quick Skiing, Sapporo Bankei Ski Area, ban.K (ばんけいスキー場)
- Exciting Wild Urban Skiing, Sapporo Teine Ski Area (サッポロテイネスキー場)
- Sapporo Kokusai Skiing Resort(札幌国際スキー場)
- Mt.Moiwa Ski Area(札幌藻岩スキー場 )
- Takino Snow World(滝野スノーワールド)
- Fu’s Snow Area(フッズスノーエリア)
- Ishikari Heigen Snow Area(石狩平原スキー場)
- Dybasty Ski Resort(ダイナスティスキーリゾート)
- Classe Snow Park(クラッセスノーパーク)
- Sapporo Dome (札幌ドーム)
- World Famous: Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium(大倉山ジャンプ競技場)
- Dogin Curling Stadium/Sapporo Curling Stadium
- K90 Miyanomori Ski Jump Stadium(宮の森ジャンプ競技場)
- Hokkaido Jingu, Hokkaido Shrine(北海道神宮), Sapporo
- Urban Virgin Forest: Maruyama Hachijyu Hakkasho, Sapporo 円山八十八カ所
- Sapporo Fushimi Inari Jinjya(札幌伏見稲荷神社)
- Sapporo Gokoku Jinjya/Shrine(札幌護国神社)
- Corns’ Wagon in the Odori Koen Park, Sapporo (大通公園とうきびワゴン)
- Easy Access By Subway: Asahi Beer Hokkaido Brewery, Sapporo
- History of Japanese Beer, Sapporo Beer Garden / Sapporo Beer Museum
- Beer Gardens at Odori Koen Park, Sapporo in 2014(大通ビヤガーデン)
- Where to eat Jingisukan? (成吉思汗)
- Sapporo is the Kingdom of Sweets, Sapporo Sweets (さっぽろスイーツ)
- Akarenga Cafe, A brand-new cool place in Sapporo
- Aji-no-Sanpei Who retains Traditional Taste as Sapporo Ramen
- This is not an Unidentified Flying Object
- How To Pour A Delicious Sapporo Beer Instructed by Sapporo Beer Museum’s Lady
- Factory Tour of Asahi Brewery in Sapporo Is Really Fun!
- Marine Products: Time to Eat Calendar
- Sapporo Station Area for Sights and Shopping
- Back to the Main Stage: Sapporo Station Area
- Department store, Depachika
- Nijo fish Market, Sapporo (二条市場)
- Supermarket (スーパーマーケット)
- Convenience Store
- JR Tower, T38 at Sapporo Station (JRタワーT38)
- Sapporo Factory (札幌ファクトリー)
- Ario Sapporo (アリオ札幌)
- Atelier Root3 in Maruyama or Jozankei, souvenir of Sapporo
- The most oldest shopping mall in Sapporo, Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade(狸小路商店街)
- More Shopping? Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kitahiroshima
- Otaku sucked into Animate: Specializing in Manga and Anime
- Download Sapporo City Area Map
- IC cards for Transport
- Discount ticket for Subway and JR
- JR Hokkaido(JR北海道)
- 60 min Parking on the road in the central area of Sapporo
- For Safety Driving in Hokkaido
- Rent a car agencies in Hokkaido
- 10 Check Points of Driving in Hokkaido