Lucky Pierrot Bay area in Hakodate

This place is written as [ラッキーピエロ ベイエリア本店] in Japanese.

Lucky Pierrot is a renowned hamburger chain with 16 branches across the Hakodate Greater Area. Locals affectionately refer to it as “Lappi” (ラッピ). Beyond hamburgers, Lucky Pierrot offers a variety of items including curry, ice cream, and more.

If you find yourself in the Bay Area, visiting Lucky Pierrot for lunch or dinner is highly recommended. Lappi is known for consistently delivering satisfaction and has even won the top prize in local hamburger competitions in Japan. Don’t miss out on experiencing it!

In Hakodate, you rarely see McDonald’s because Lucky Pierrot is said to be a very dominant presence in the local area.


Luck Pierrot Bay area


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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer