Hakodate Christmas Fantasy at Kanamori Red Brick Warehouse

A big Christmas tree will be set up at the Bay Area. There is an illumination lightening ceremony and Fireworks on 18:00 every day. Let’s get together for count down ceremony. Opening Ceremony Nov,30: 17:45~ In front of Akarenga warehouse Christmas Tree Illumination Lightening Hours 30 Nov – 25 Dec 2019 16:30 – 17:45 (Nov, 29: 18:00) 18:00 – 0:00 (Friday, Saturday and Dec, 22 – 25: 18:00 – 2:00) Venue In front of Akarenga warehouse Link Hakodate Christmas Fantasy Access 10 minutes walk from JR Hakodate Station Take a tram to Jyujigai Dentei and 5 min walk Related Articles … Continue reading Hakodate Christmas Fantasy at Kanamori Red Brick Warehouse