The Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium (大倉山ジャンプ競技場) is situated in Miyanomori, on the western side of the Maruyama area in Sapporo. Adjacent to it is the Sapporo Winter Sports Museum. The 1972 Winter Olympic Games were hosted here, and it continues to host the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup annually. This globally renowned stadium is a must-visit for sports enthusiasts and history buffs alike.
Sapporo Olympic Museum Annex reopened in June 2020 with cafes and restaurants.
Access by bus
From July 1st (Monday) to September 30th (Monday), the Okurayama Observation Platform Lift will operate extended night hours.
Take this opportunity to enjoy the world’s only night view from a ski jump stadium. Additionally, The free nighttime shuttle bus “Okurayama Night View Shuttle” will be running during the extended hours this year.
- Take Tozai Line(東西線) to Maruyama Ko-en(円山公園) and exit No2 at Maruyama Bus Terminal.
- Take JR Bus 西14[Araiyama-sen 荒井山線] to Okurayama Kyogijo Iriguchi(大倉山競技場入口).
- 10 minutes walk to the stadium
see detail for walking way to the stadium
Access by car
- 10 minutes from Maruyama Koen Station.
- 20-30 minutes from the heart of city area.
- free parking
- no parking when competition days or pre-practice days.
Mt.Okurayama observation platform lift
- Apr 27 – Nov 4 : 8:30 – 18:00
- Summer time(July 26 – Sep 30 : 18:00 – 21:00
- Nov 5 – Mar 31: 9:00 – 17:00
- Apr 1 – 20, 2020 will be closed due to hardware maintenance.
*competition days or pre-practice days are also closed.
- adult: 500 yen (round-trip)
- child: 300 yen (round-trip)
see Okurayama Jump Stadium WEB site
Sapporo Olympic Museum
- adult: 600 yen
- child: free
- over 65 years old : 450 yen

- Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo(札幌彫刻美術館)
- Tsukimiso-Cafe(月見想珈琲店)
- Cacao 19g(カカオ10g) — a nice sweets shop
- Miyanomori Jump Stadium(宮ノ森ジャンプ競技場)
- ban.k(ばんけいスキー場)
- The Lavender Garden at Horomitoge (幌見峠のラベンダー園)
- Hokkaido JIngu Shrine(北海道神宮)
- Maruyama Hachijyu Hakkasho(円山八十八カ所)