posted on January 25, 2020
This place is written as [札幌芸術の森美術館] in Japanese.
Located in Minami-ku, the southern side of Sapporo, Sapporo Art Park is quite distant from the central area of Sapporo, often requiring visitors to travel there by car. As a result, it tends to be less crowded during weekdays. Visitors can enjoy hiking amidst numerous sculptures even in winter.
The Snow Light Festival (雪あかりの祭典) is held annually at the park museum at the end of January. It’s a highlight for visitors, but unfortunately, the festival lasts only one day, specifically on January 25, 2020. We’ll show you photos from this year’s festival.
Sculptures in the forest

- 9:45 to 17:00 (Jun to Aug: 17:30)
Subway & Bus
- Take the Nanboku Line(南北線) to Makomanai.(真駒内駅).
- Take a Chuō Bus at NO.2 depot.(2番) All the buses stop at Sapporo Art Park. It takes about 15 min.
- Get off the bus at ‘Geijyutsu no mori iriguchi‘.(芸術の森入口)
These fare are generally in case of NO traffic jam.
- From Sapporo station: approximately 4,000 yen (30min)
- From Makomanai station: approximately 1,700 yen (10min)
Pacific Music Festival (PMF)
July 12–August 7, 2014 see details of PMF